Concrete and Clay



The weather is dull.  Haven't felt like changing clothes in days.  Go to bed when my body no longer works right, wake up when it starts to twitch.  I've been without my livelihood for 3 weeks now, 3 days from my 29th.  I skip breakfast now usually, lunch too.  Guinness aroud 1, Guinness around 2.  I read "The Independent" almost daily.  An expensive habit at 70p a pop.  I'm not sure if I read it out of genuine concern, or morbid fascination.  I came to this internet cafe to write this but my voucher, the man from the Horn of Africa advises me, has expired.  It was issued on the 27 and is valid for 3 days.  Today is the 30th and I just don't understand the maths.  A good friend of mine just lost a lot of money (or rather, it was misplaced, then disposed of).  I was hoping he would buy me a Guinness later.

#30 November 2006 | Comments (2)


#29 November 2006 | Comments (1)


You have to do or die, as pressure mounts to comply,
Ask searching questions - how did Icarus fly?
- Replies come forthwith, make concessions, take and give
Give and take and remake an adaptation based purely on creation,
When do is done you'll have fun, travel never shun cos what's done is done...
bullet point number one
Do or die concerns everyone.
Given the chance to score my "X",
my pen will press and doing so we shall address
Bullet point number two... "merci, gracias, thank you",
elected in situation, nothingness bores and creates elation
Next point on the agenda - that the soul must never surrender
No reminder that the holder holds the beauty,
drop the shackles now you are free
Rightful representation, one voice carried over the nation,
Approbation leads into the nod,
as Milk and Beef generate the latest need for Head nod
Take a break in procedings, meditate and consult the readings,
Take the right perspective cos Do or Die is a choice to live with.
My Soul guru recognised, emphasised, realised that we are chastised,
Simplified equations reveal our thoughts all caught up in the web of ports
Doing takes you to a new height of thinking,
Ends all the fears of you ever sinking
As bullet point four leads you to a new door
So KC PROJECT had to write a new score
The poorer in the pocket, the richer in the mind one finds
Doing makes one seek out the reason in one's mind
Intertwined, rewind just to reiterate
Your mind's your own state so create - on this point we must elaborate
Make a date to see hate not get a rebate,
label it, stigmatise it, treat it like a reprobate
Sip a calva, take a thin mint it's after eight
Doing in life gives you the power to create.

(Typed to beats of Sages Poetes de la Rue.)

Home freestyle tips - DJ Drinks MONOSERIES fit well to these lyrics but any beat bandit should be able to fit the fat ones to this.

Herbie 2 - the healing of the NAYSHUN

#28 November 2006 | Comments (1)


Austin's Sound Team, another excellent session from Daytrotter.

4MB | Download

#28 November 2006 | Comments (0)


#27 November 2006 | Comments (2)


#27 November 2006 | Comments (0)


Owz it goin?

The nights are drawing in now but the south westerly air flow is beneficial to germination of early varieties such as Broad beans, first peas and good root development in garlic and onions. The only visible problem is the blasted furry caterpillers which should have been deep frozen by now. November is set to be at least two degrees warmer than the 1961-1999 average just like October and September. If you remember back to last February and March however, it was very cold and bitter in the south so I'd better not speak too soon.

The cider apple crop was of course bumper but I fear that the high sugar levels will only be spoiled by those cider makers who insist on purveying the rough taste of scrumpy. Sheppy's remain one of the best for varietal cider where the sweetness of the apple comes to the fore in the same way that the best Breton cider is France's best ambassador. I know this comment may ruffle some feathers and Vallee d'Auge cider along with Bayeux rank among the best, but they are a touch too dry for me so the Breton ones are my chosen brews.

Luscombe cider is okay but they should stick to producing the fine apple juice they are good at! Boycott Strongbow too as once I drank fourteen cans at a party and failed to impress the sheep.

The puff ball in the picture apparently fried up a treat with some olive oil and garlic!

Pantomime season is upon us soon so I shall be sneaking out at the interval for some mead and brandy-makes you randy!

It just remains to be said- "geroff my lan"

Herbie 2

#26 November 2006 | Comments (5)


I heard a few weeks ago that the top ranking google website martinlutherkingdotorg (I am not going to boost their rankings any further by linking to it) was actually a neo-nazi website so was pleased to see on a friends blog that there was an attempt to change this and 'googlebomb' the site out of its position. So here is my contribution:

Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King

#23 November 2006 | Comments (2)


Tired of the bad press UK fare gets? Stuck for an authentic recipe of yesteryear to impress the wife's boss? Pure out and out foodie? Wino? Greedy? Spend too much time on C and C?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, you should check out Sly FM and Tisane's new blog at

These fervent defenders of the best of Blighty's cuisine are totally making a big banger and mash up of the French perception of UK food.

Bloody hell, if I meet one more person that says that pasta with butter is any better than this list of delights and that we boil our beef, I'll get Hugh Fernley W to put them in a pen with his pigs and rear them all year.

Yours, an enthusiastic Herbie 2 P

#22 November 2006 | Comments (1)


Your humble Psychlepath nearly met his maker last week after taking his machine to a repair shop for the first time. After an initial inspection proved that the back tyre had been replaced, i took to the roads once again, invigorated by the newness of my wheels and a decision to support small shops.

Approaching Old St roundabout barely two minutes from the shop i started to overtake my seventh cycle in as many seconds when the back wheel of my bike literally fell off and i stumbled into the path of a truck on the roundabout. All the scooters, taxis and cycles i'd ever overtaken flashed before my eyes before i was able to move out of the way.

When eventually i managed to make it back to the repair shop with cycle on shoulder, the formerly amenable proprietor unbelievably gave me a long look of distrust and resentment as i stood once again in his shop, trying to stymie the expletives aching to fall out of my mouth. Perhaps he thought i enjoyed falling in front of trucks because of his spannering.

Moral - Don't take your cycle to Citibikes, Hackney Road if you wish to live longer than your next journey.

#21 November 2006 | Comments (3)