You have to do or die, as pressure mounts to comply, Ask searching questions - how did Icarus fly? - Replies come forthwith, make concessions, take and give Give and take and remake an adaptation based purely on creation, When do is done you'll have fun, travel never shun cos what's done is done... bullet point number one Do or die concerns everyone. Given the chance to score my "X", my pen will press and doing so we shall address Bullet point number two... "merci, gracias, thank you", elected in situation, nothingness bores and creates elation Next point on the agenda - that the soul must never surrender No reminder that the holder holds the beauty, drop the shackles now you are free Rightful representation, one voice carried over the nation, Approbation leads into the nod, as Milk and Beef generate the latest need for Head nod Take a break in procedings, meditate and consult the readings, Take the right perspective cos Do or Die is a choice to live with. My Soul guru recognised, emphasised, realised that we are chastised, Simplified equations reveal our thoughts all caught up in the web of ports Doing takes you to a new height of thinking, Ends all the fears of you ever sinking As bullet point four leads you to a new door So KC PROJECT had to write a new score The poorer in the pocket, the richer in the mind one finds Doing makes one seek out the reason in one's mind Intertwined, rewind just to reiterate Your mind's your own state so create - on this point we must elaborate Make a date to see hate not get a rebate, label it, stigmatise it, treat it like a reprobate Sip a calva, take a thin mint it's after eight Doing in life gives you the power to create.
(Typed to beats of Sages Poetes de la Rue.)
Home freestyle tips - DJ Drinks MONOSERIES fit well to these lyrics but any beat bandit should be able to fit the fat ones to this.
Herbie 2 - the healing of the NAYSHUN
#28 November 2006
braapp, braapp! as the comptonboys would say
Posted by: sir | 5:37pm 29 November 2006