Concrete and Clay



Ingredients: 50 grammes of cob nuts (either seasonal or removed from a bar of Ritter Sport chocolate), 2 knobs of butter, 2 cloves garlic, Concrete and Clay classic toast, chopped parsley to garnish.

Method: using a pestle and mortar, blend the nuts, butter and garlic to a smooth paste. Spread on grilled toast and garnish with a sprinkling of parsley. Enjoy with a glass of chilled sweet aperitif wine such as Coteaux de Layon from the Loire. If not, Dandilion and Burdock goes well.

#25 September 2006




Posted by: | 1:18pm  25 September 2006

I went to the Ritter sport factory in Stuttgart... That was a good day. What is dandilion and burdock?

Posted by: | 6:57am  26 September 2006

Dandilion and burdock is nectar of the gods. Carbonated soft drink which was a forerunner of cola. Tastes like a coke/ aniseed fusion and is definitely the way forward.

Posted by: | 4:11pm  26 September 2006

wrong. dandelion and burdock is the devils spawn.

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 5:16pm  26 September 2006

Like Irish Moss?

Posted by: | 6:48pm  26 September 2006


Pistols at dawn.

Posted by: | 4:08pm  27 September 2006

you're on. I shall be armed with the finest ginger beer.

Posted by: sir | 7:35pm  27 September 2006

Burdock is a root plant with prickly leaves. It can be steamed and eaten. The leaves ressemble the dock leaf, a natural antidote for stings from nettles.

Dandilion in French is "pissenlit", literally piss in the bed. Don't spill your iron bru on your cricket whites!

Posted by: Herbie | 9:29pm  27 September 2006

Pineault Des Charentes is far superior as an aperitif wine.

Posted by: ken | 9:23am  28 September 2006

A plague upon your house. I can not associate with one who drinks from the devils own cup.Had you said Tizer, a truce could have been negotiated but now all is lost.
Cans at the ready...

Posted by: | 1:27pm  28 September 2006

If you eat dandelion you need to go to the toilet immediately.

Posted by: | 3:02pm  28 September 2006

Anon - you talk the talk, but can you walk the walk. My ginger is red hot, and I shall also be bringing some cream soda to wash down the taste of vitriol in my mouth. Name the time and the place sucker.

Posted by: sir | 10:21pm  28 September 2006

teachers get way too much holidays.

Posted by: ken | 4:03am  29 September 2006


Not only can I walk and talk (at the same time on a good day), I am also versed in dualling etiquette; name the time and place of your choosing.

I bite my thumb at your second (Cream soda is the choice of aged fools with tastebuds stripped of feeling). With Tizer, limecordial and truth on my side, victory will be mine.

p.s. Think ken may have a point.

Posted by: | 11:48am  29 September 2006

Firstly, I am not on holiday (yet - three weeks to go yee ha!)

Secondly, any fool knows that lime cordial is the supplement extraordinaire to Ginger Beer, to which I formally draw to your attention is firmly in my armoury.

You have left me with little choice but to demand your presence at the Happy Shopper on Clapham High Street, at midnight on October 3rd, where you will be royally drenched. You may bring an assistant with you to carry your cans and bring a reserve. Mine will be bringing some Ting - grapefruit.

Posted by: sir | 1:18pm   2 October 2006


Regretfuly my travels took me away from London Town some while ago; I fear it will be some time before I again tread those golden paved streets.

May I express further remorse that my faithful carrier pigeon, grown weak and frail with age, way unable to relay information about the designated dueling time. (Really should learn to email- rather than relying on flying vermin to do it for me). Thus, I sadly missed the appointment.

Yet my apologies may not extend to the filthy fluids which you persist in promoting. And the gawl of tainting the crisp pure lightness of lime with ginger muck? sacreligious.

So, I am taking the moral high ground, loading all that is right and pure into my drinks crate and leaving you to wallow in the depths of fizzy pop hell.

But, Sir, rest assured, I will return to London town to purge the fizzy filth from the streets and reinstate all that is good and pure.

Until then, I bid you adieu.

Posted by: | 4:40pm   4 October 2006