Concrete and Clay




Bread (white or wheat)
butter or margarine
jam or jelly


Place 1 slice bread in toaster. Push lever down. When toast begins to rise, carefully remove from toaster. Lightly whip butter. Spread favorite toppings with broad, even knife strokes.

Makes 1 serving.

#30 June 2005


This can also be achieved by placing bread under grill, turning when golden brown and removing when desired colour is reached. Tip: butter whilst hot to increase spreadability.

Posted by: Dan Tanna | 1:48pm  30 June 2005

I absolutely agree. In fact, the grill is probably a preferred option because you have greater visibility and control of the heat.

What of Marmite Techniques?

Some prefer a thin layer of marmite on their toast, others like that shit to be spread on thick.

Either way you do it, you're guaranteed a nice little boost to your B deficient system.

Posted by: Chef Kong | 10:22pm  30 June 2005

I spread marmite on thick and enjoy the taste to the maximum.

Posted by: | 3:17pm   4 July 2005

na... vegemite all the way. nothing else comes close.

Posted by: realness | 4:36pm  29 October 2008