Concrete and Clay



Take one skinny duck and force a funnel down it's throat. Tip in organic seed mix. Leave bird to waddle around yard for several weeks, have a couple of pastis, then send to have neck wrung. Take to reputable chef to prepare foie gras and encase it in the remaining yellow fat.

Serve with toast and Sauternes. If not available Fanta will do.


#10 April 2006 | Comments (4)


I hope this will be the last I have to say on social unrest in my adopted land. For those of you who read the French riots article, you will no doubt have been locked into the latest news on de Villepin's stand down. Chirac was at last active and got cher Dominique to withdraw the law in order to devise another one to add to the existing 700 that dictate employment legislation in France and are the real cause of the debacle. This was the same Chirac who is portrayed as "SM" on the Guignols de l'Info on Canal Plus (Spitting Image), with SM not standing for Super Man but "Super Menteur" (super liar).

It is a fine mess to get your country into; not only are the UMP party (right) divided with one year to go before Chirac stands down, the viticulteurs are getting tough (creation of paramilitary wing called CRAV responsible for a bombing in Languedoc) and numerous other unresolved issues such as the problem of the suburbs.

Continue reading...

#10 April 2006 | Comments (4)

LINKS FOR 2006-04-10

#10 April 2006 | Comments (0)


To celebrate out first birthday back in March, we're planning a Concrete and Clay get together on Friday 21st April at Green and Red, 51 Bethnal Green Road, London.

A table in the cantina could be booked for 7.30pm if we have some numbers. Alternatively, we just turn up and drink. So post in the comments if you're up for it... See you there!

#10 April 2006 | Comments (5)