Concrete and Clay



He's going to quit next week. I've been in England since Diana passed. So quite soon after Labour won 10 years ago. Was Tony any good? Better than Major, or Thatcher? A recent poll shows Tony gets a 61% approval rating from the public. I'll try to kickstart a C&C poll. Perhaps get 2 comments... It was May Day yesterday after all.

#02 May 2007


Iraq. The British public will never forgive Blair for taking us into an illegal war under false pretences. This is his legacy.

Posted by: | 9:19am   3 May 2007

yes sure. the poll also showed 69% of the public agreeing with you about his legacy. but what about positives? like the Human Rights bill and the introduction of a minimum wage?

Posted by: | 12:14pm   3 May 2007

Since Tony came to power, I got a brand new digital watch, a color TV, some tickets to a DJ Drinks concert, a government aided discount on communist party membership and a life long supply of Milk and Beef EPs. Not a bad deal at all when you consider that he'd puffed at Uni.

My biggest gripe is the plans to change refuse collections to forghtnightly. What will my chicken carcass do in a bin in full sun when it is 35 degrees?

Never was the same when Wedgewood Benn was around.
Allez les rouges.

Bouquet garni

Posted by: | 11:06pm   3 May 2007

Just a variation on a long running theme of elite rule.
To me his approach to constitutional reform typifies his entire premiership: partial promises, big media led hype and minor improvements.
In relative terms this is a monumental legacy considering the debacle that marked his 2 most recent predecessors 'reigns'.
On an unrelated topic, I do not like his ties

Posted by: | 1:35pm   5 May 2007

New Labour has definitely meant more money in schools - my budget has almost doubled in the last seven years, we have new buildings, a bigger staff and more freedom to teach what we want. My local health centre has just opened up and its massive, the waiting time is virtually non existent and the doctors (rather than the nurses) are getting paid by the bucket - if you want to know where the funding for the NHS has gone, ask your GP! The Mayor of London was a great move, the congestion charge a great spin off and the funding for the arts has also been a real bonus. Are these the legacies of Blair? No, the big man in the Exchequer sorted them and he'll sort out that arrogant wanker Cameron too! But for those of us who are old enough to remember the Thatcher/ Major years we have a lot to thank Blair for, he made some major fuck ups of course, were you there on the anti-war demos?, but he made the Labour Party electable again and that is pretty good in my book. Bye Bye Blair, Bring on Brown!

Posted by: | 7:01pm   7 May 2007

lol: "arrogant wanker cameron".

Posted by: | 9:54pm   7 May 2007

i like Brown. He's not very Green though (enter sting here).

Posted by: | 8:44am   8 May 2007

messages for blair

Posted by: beachyhead | 2:04pm   8 May 2007

human rights act, right to roam, free museum entry

Posted by: | 7:52pm   9 May 2007

Gordon Brown's been waiting ages for his turn. But him being a Scot seems to bother alot of people. I find it great that the electorate only vote in local elections and that the sum of the seats gained by any party will determine whether that party gets into power. No one elects Brown, not even within his party. The stakes are much lower than, say, in America or Fracnce where the people vote for the head of state. But I guess the head of state here is the Queen and no-one votes for that position... except maybe The Almighty?

Posted by: | 11:27am  10 May 2007

The Almighty Rupert Murdoch?

Posted by: | 10:12am  11 May 2007