Concrete and Clay



How can I catch these little fuckers?  Tried the glue traps, tried the snap traps.  Can't be bothered with steel wool.  What is a humane way of disposing of them once I've caught them on those horrible glue traps?  I hear the rats bite their legs off in order to get off the glue only to collapse face down onto the trap.  Should I be smashing their tiny skulls with my hammer?  Or simply throwing them alive (trap and all) into the waste bin?

Any suggestions?

#25 October 2006


Get a cat.

Posted by: sir | 12:17pm  26 October 2006

a) rodents = inhumane, (but if they were white and fluffy you'd be buying them in the paper, same as pigeons, which are the same as doves, only with a bad paintjob)
b) they think not of your suffering when they leave tiny cocopops on your kitchen side or stuck to the bottom of your pepper pot, which flake out onto salad
c) for every one you catch there are 10 more lurking

mr muscle oven cleaner is a good way of scorching them into infinity

Posted by: | 3:21pm  26 October 2006

You can get box style trap (no glue invoved). Only down side is you then have to take your new found friends for a little trip to a nearby wood/park/end of a tube line to release them. On the plus side I find that when using public transport facilities whilst fully laden with rats you tend to get a seat or two.

Alternatively you could fashion them into a rat king and pass it off as some sort of art installation.
Good luck.

Posted by: | 9:11am  27 October 2006

great suggestions. Sir, I can't get a cat cause my landlord won't allow it (he does allow a massive hole in my ceiling where rain runs through but that's a different post). Anon 1, I like your thinking but I still can't bring myself to do it. Anon 2, where can one acquire such devices? A brand name would be much appreciated.

Posted by: ken | 6:21pm  28 October 2006

I got mine from the 'trapman' (website through msn) but you can probably get cheaper alternatives if you follow the other links.
In all seriousness you need to think carefuly about what you're going to do once you've caught it- picking up a cage full of rats may not be to everyones taste and access to a car would be good for relocation purposes.

Posted by: Anon 2 | 6:34pm  30 October 2006

gotcha. I've called environmental health. they're coming to assess the situation.

Posted by: ken | 11:18pm  30 October 2006

are they defo rats or just huge mice?

Posted by: | 11:12am  31 October 2006

about 4 inches long (without the tail) Although I've seen some as big as a kitten in my street.

Posted by: ken | 11:43am  31 October 2006

Sell them to Gordon Ramsey

Posted by: | 8:06pm   1 November 2006

there was a field mouse in my poly tunnel the other day and Fitsy the dog went mental and tried to get in it. My prize leeks nearly got mullered. I say let them live.

Posted by: | 8:08pm   1 November 2006