Concrete and Clay



I was in Tate Modern a few weeks ago killing time and looking again at the Rachel Whiteread installation when I stumbled across a small white box with a message inside:

"Thank you for taking time to investigate one of an edition of 'more white boxes'. Once you read this message please acknowledge your find by emailing and leave your details where you found your box."

I picked up the box, put it carefully into my bag and went into the bookshop, where (ironically) I was looking for an edition of Banksy's existencilism. Once I got home I emailed my details and started a correspondence with the artist; her next move is to place her own postcards of the Whiteread installation into the Tate bookshop amongst the originals. It left me thinking - how would you like to leave your mark?

#06 April 2006


nice concept.

Posted by: | 11:25am   7 April 2006

great idea clever girl

Posted by: Rob | 2:35pm   7 April 2006

How would you like to leave your mark? Ive already left mine.

Posted by: | 1:58am   9 April 2006


Posted by: Mark | 12:09am  15 April 2006