Concrete and Clay



1-5 marshmallows (depends on how many you can eat), 1 clean stick or fork, an open fire or gas hob.

Place marshmallow on desired toasting device, place close to but not in the flame (2-3" away should be great). Rotate marshmallow and enjoy the slight feeling of euphoria and general well being that usually accompanies this act, then withdraw from flame. Check for signs of toasting. Repeat if necessary.

#05 January 2006


has my sister been overfeeding you over the festive season?

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 5:25pm   5 January 2006

Caution: Wear protective footwear throughout toasting procedure.
My right foot is still scarred from when a rouge molten marshmallow went astray during a beach bonfire. I never found the culprit and to this day no family member is beyond suspishion (funetik sp).

Posted by: | 3:59pm   6 January 2006

i prefer blusher molten marshmallows

Posted by: | 5:10pm   7 January 2006

I'm partial to a little neon pink myself.

Posted by: ken | 12:23pm   8 January 2006