Concrete and Clay




I write this in a tiny internet cafe on the stretch of road known locally as Murder Mile. Once quaint, this neighbourhood has seen a steady rise in gang violence in recent years. Having moved here only last October, I had yet to experience this first hand.

But I left in the morning as I usually do only to find Clapton Road sealed by fluorescent clad policemen. There were white-suited CSI type mofos holding hands and walking up and down the street in search of shell cases, I assumed. You see, a young man was shot down in front of the Palace Pavillion while he shielded his girlfriend for the hail of bullets coming from a semi-automatic machine gun, no less.

I used to live in Brockley, near Brockley Cross, where shootings were common occurrences but usually just acts of bravado played out by old boys with modified starter pistols. But to have some cunt spray an AK-47 a block from where I live makes me seriously want to reconsider my postcode.

#05 January 2006


word to that ... flak jackets are the new cardigan

Posted by: | 11:54pm  10 January 2006

Yo Ken, I was in Paris once at Pere Lachaise paying hoomage to Edith Piaf and Jim Morrison when this dude in a mac pulled a long silver magnum and pointed it at all our heads. I thought the dude was gonna waste us.

Gun crime inspires no rime.



Posted by: | 3:38pm  11 January 2006

I would get as far away as possible as soon as possible so as to avoid death in the same manner!

Posted by: Sean Lijek | 12:13am  12 January 2006

They're all just big pussies. They got nuts for brains and trigger-happy fingers (stop watching 'the harder they fall!'). Get them in hand to hand combat, and they deflate like the hot aired shit they are...

Posted by: Anne Again | 10:50am  16 January 2006