Concrete and Clay



As I strolled, perhaps negligently, along Rye Lane the other week, gazing towards evangelicals and butchers shops, careful not to sully my new shoes in discarded fish ice or phonecards, I caught sight of a reflection in a particular window that chilled me to the very bone. Even now I find my fingers recalcitrant in their reluctance to relive the horror that jolted along my spine like a flat-footed step off of a pavement that day.

As I walked past an innocuous looking arcade named Jive Leisure, I gazed into the window to look at the ornaments as I am wont to do, and saw an horrific porcelaine rendition of a shepherd sleeping as his flock wandered off towards an errant wolf. As if the symbolism of this study weren't explicit enough, my thoughts solidified into a wailing and gnashing when a passing bus afforded me a reflection of the arcade window and I saw in slow motion that "Jive" was "Evil" written backwards.

#20 December 2005


and santa is an anagram for satan!

Posted by: | 3:42pm  20 December 2005

If we're talking crazy, today a fly lay on its back on my desk. I watched it for a while, it lay with its legs curled inwards. Suddenly it started to move, its legs began to rotate, it took off upside down, and flew before my blood-shot eyes. The Fly hovered along the desk and then dissapeared upswards an a 30 degree angle. Then the walls melted and I vommitted feathers, back to work...

Posted by: | 6:04pm  20 December 2005

I think you wrote about this incident a few months ago- a discussion of zips/K followed.
New material please

Posted by: | 11:44am  22 December 2005

Al has asked me to delete this post, but there are some nice anon comments, and, well, I'm just going to leave it up.


Posted by: Ed. | 12:47pm  23 December 2005

what is anon?

Posted by: ken | 2:10am  24 December 2005

abbrveation of anonoymous. durh.

Posted by: anon | 3:49pm  24 December 2005

what is durh?

Posted by: ken | 10:44pm  24 December 2005