Concrete and Clay



Far away lands so far from the eye
Suffer the malice, just curl up and die
Yes Serbia, had bloddy enuffia, Kos av' gotta go now
UN done by your policies, your envoys your victories
What is the name of your land?

Herbie 2 Provence (1993)

#30 November 2005


I like your poem, here is mine:

I felt like throwing,
Up, up and away.
I felt like going,
Down, far, and away.
I feel like nothing,
Fits, pains and seizures,


Posted by: | 5:34pm  30 November 2005

Me and Tim, A Hunting Went
Spied Three Maidens In A Tent
They Were Three, And Us But Two
So I Bucked One, And Timbuctou

Posted by: ken | 8:07pm  30 November 2005

My Love for you is very true.
My love for you is somewhat new.
My love for you will never die.
Because for you I will always try.

Posted by: Brittany | 3:47pm  23 April 2008

you rock

Posted by: bonnie | 8:21pm  27 April 2008