Concrete and Clay



Concrete and Clay plays its part in the promotion of healthy eating and promoting sound values. On this note, Philip Oyler's book, "The Generous Earth" will interest those among you who have fallen in love with fine food, wine and our lovely world.

Oyler was one of the founder members of the Soil Association and in his book (ISBN 1-873429-66-5) he describes his experiences of living in the Dordogne after the first world war and beyond. Oyler was an experienced farmer both in Britain and France, and he draws our attention to the beauty and simplicity of rural life in which humans, animals and the terroir (land) combine to create a harmonious wellbeing and "joie de vivre". The Dordogne is not too disimilar in some ways to parts of Southern England, Dorset for example. The high ground - la Causse can make us think of the Bridport area, where wind swept hills fall away to become lushous, fertile valleys.

Oyler describes the hard work and love of the land of the people of the Dordogne. it is also a veiled attack on British agricultural policy which led to the demise of husbandry, the dulling down of British cooking due to shortages, and the over-industrialisation of farming.

Oyler would be dismayed to see the figures for suicide in farming communities and the demise of the true peasant.

If you are thinking about growing your own food, love food or love life, read this book. My copy has now done six people.


#21 October 2005


more book reviews please

Posted by: | 6:05pm  27 October 2005