Concrete and Clay



It's all about the balance. That is the phrase of the day. It's funny how you get an impression in your head, you just feel like this is the right thing to do. And you just end up having a banging time because it's not too heavy and it's not too stressy. You spend some time listening to the Rebels and just enjoying it for what it is. Time, place and something.

Crazy days too many faces look blank as the bass carries us, each moment endless like one trip merging into another. This is real! This is now! I am the beat.

I've got the skeleton hand across my chest, and it just reminds me of the goo(d) people that I have in my life. one love. peace. and bullshit and partee and partee and partee and bullshit.

#29 October 2005 | Comments (0)


The wonderful weather of the UK. I'd forgotten such a delight. Rain: weak enough to annoy, strong enough to wet. The ceiling is so low, I bet you could trampoline and hit it. Drinking in the streets: two thumbs up. Puke on the street: you are not Matisse.

News from Ben Sanderson in Las Vegas:

David & VOM putting the final touches on the new single. It probably won't be up on here long as its its lyrical content is disturbing. If you like gang rapes- I mean raps- then this will literally be right up your alley.

#28 October 2005 | Comments (0)


Darktown Strutters Ball this Friday 28th October, at Underbelly, 11 Hoxton Square, London. 8pm-1am, £5 advanced list only by email to

Featuring Jonny Rock (Freaks), The Weather Underground (live) and Rebecca Mosley (live).

#26 October 2005 | Comments (1)


A photo essay by Serge Shapiro.

543KB | Download

#25 October 2005 | Comments (1)


3.49MB | Download | Stream

#24 October 2005 | Comments (1)


This is a call to you all to boycott seedless grapes. Following on from the classic recipe series featured on-line, have you ever wondered why seedless grapes look different to the seeded variety? The answer is that they are unripe, tasteless and far from the real thing.

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#24 October 2005 | Comments (2)


Concrete and Clay plays its part in the promotion of healthy eating and promoting sound values. On this note, Philip Oyler's book, "The Generous Earth" will interest those among you who have fallen in love with fine food, wine and our lovely world.

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#21 October 2005 | Comments (1)


Curious behaviour #1. The boy was sat in the corner, away from the rest of the class. I asked him to write down a few defintions, but this was quite a challenge it seemed. I decided to help him out and asked him to stick in the work into his book. Shouldn't be a problem I thought. He ate the glue.

Curious behaviour #2. He doesn't walk into the classroom, he barges through everyone, knocking boys sideways. He won't sit down until he has kicked the chair over at least twice. He won't get his books out until he has kicked his bag upto the ceiling. He walks out of the room when he wants to and comes back when he feels like it. When he wants my attention he grabs hold of my arm and squeezes. Or he punches me. I think he likes me. He is really bright. He described the blinds in the classroom as "medieval". He was right. I wanted him to be King Harold Godwinson. He was away.

#21 October 2005 | Comments (1)


I am looking for music for use with an interesting project. What the hell does that mean? Well, I'm tisane, working in motion graphics as well as music with a need for interesting sounds and the opportunity to get that music heard. OK for the moment there is no money involved but no more than you guys placing mp3s on the net. What is motion graphics and what the fuck am I proposing? We are talking music to image; that may be advertisements, music clips, VJing, etc. I work on a project that presents motion graphics and is in need of music. If you want to expand your public, this could help.

For more details send me a mail or phone (I live in France).

mark +33 1 42 78 65 04

#20 October 2005 | Comments (1)


All Over My Face 3rd Birthday Party this Friday 21st October, at The Key, Lazer Road, Kings Cross Goods Yard, London.

To mark the occasion AOMF have lured Poker Flat's crack DJ and producer Guido Schneider from Berlin, for his debut set on British soil. 11pm-5am.

"Injecting groove and sex into minimalism with a string of amazing releases on Mood and Poker Flat, and his massive remix of Bip by Dub Kult, the minimal House Techno sound has been gathering momentum of late and much of it is down to this man."

#20 October 2005 | Comments (0)