Concrete and Clay



While I made toast I learnt that when a policeman shoots someone five times in the back because he had intelligence that they were someone they are not, it is compariable to a competant surgeon losing a patient under unforseen circumstances. I once dropped a decanter when I washed up in a golfcourse kitchen. The manager took money from my wages to replace it.

I was a little confused.

On the way to the Halifax I saw a fist fight between a business man and a casual outside Barclays bank, there was a a crowd growing, the suit got in some good jabs and I left.

A car mounted a curb and wrapped its bonnet around an innocent lamp post. The rain stopped. I jumped the puddle.

My head aches from the weekend, I need to get more medication, I ran out. The rain has been constant.

#25 July 2005


Get thee to a pharmacist!

Posted by: | 10:40am  26 July 2005

avoid drinking copious amounts of whisky!

Posted by: dan | 12:36pm  26 July 2005

You should definitely refill that flask son. Try single malt this time.

Posted by: Marco Polo | 3:08am  27 July 2005