So it was one of those lazy, crazy sunday afternoons and the conversation turned to pain. And this time we're talking eyes glazed over, nerves hyper-twitching, brain attack kind of pain. The kind of pain you don't ever want to go through again but have that dark black cloud hanging over you knowing that it just might at some point in the future. Maybe there is someone out there who can tell me the technical term for it but having a miniature umbrella shoved (albeit as gently as the nonchalant nurse could muster) down your praeputial sphincter (god I love the internet) and scraped back up again sure ain't my idea of fun. So come on suckers tell me your pain stories.
#01 June 2005
One man's pain is another man's pleasure.
Tell me, was your nurse male or female?
Do you think it would have made a difference?
Did you pay anything to have this done to you?
If so, how do you feel about having to pay for that?
Please answer these questions and I'll tell you a painful story.
Posted by: Alexander The Straight | 9:05pm 31 May 2005
It was a female nurse, who was very matter of fact about the whole thing, which I guess is no suprise - done it once, done it a thousand times. And it was on the NHS so no payment required.
Let's hear it then....
Posted by: youcancallmepain | 1:21pm 1 June 2005