Concrete and Clay



For those of you who have been following the stratospheric media career of C&Cs very own 'youcancallemesir', the long awaited appearance on prime time television nears. 'sir' will be on ITV's 'Fortune: Million pound giveaway' on Tuesday January 23rd between 8 and 9 pm, where (hopefully if the editor has any humour at all) you may actually hear the immortal phrase 'you can call me sir' being uttered. The premise of the programme is that 5 millionaires, Jeffrey Archer, Duncan Bannantyne, Jacqueline Gold, Kanye King and Simon Jordan have each put £200k into a pot which will be distributed to worthy recipients. Each contestant has 60 seconds to make their pitch and then face questions from the panel. 'sir' was bidding to take 40 pupils from his school to the First World War battlefields in France and Belgium, but now wishes he had asked for a tummy tuck or an all expenses trip of a lifetime to Vegas. Will he win, you'll have to watch to find out!

#21 January 2007


Please TIVO!!! Or at least, post here or on Youtube. Good luck!

Posted by: ken | 1:25am  22 January 2007

I may be able to youtube it, as will be recording it onto DVD. watch this space.

Posted by: | 5:03pm  22 January 2007

Yes Sir.

It may only be TV but those two biggots would not have been able to make it through the barbed wire to storm those trenches. I bet they would have got the clap before they even made the front by shagging some whore in Amiens and thier dicks would have fallen off.

As you know, it is a moving experience and one those kids will remember. I turned the box off when I saw that prog comi ng on and then got onto C and Clay only to see your post.

Big up Henry Compton from the MFL dept at The Park Community School

Esay now.

Posted by: You can call me monsieur | 8:31pm  23 January 2007

Many thanks - youcancallmemonsieur - it seems I may have started a trend. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience despite having to prostitute myself to Archer et al. I have managed to record it on DVD so will do my best to youtube it asap.

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 9:08pm  23 January 2007

Part one is available on I am having a few problems with editing the second one and the synching is totally out on this one, but it will give you a taster.

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 10:35pm  23 January 2007

That's brilliant Sir. I love the part where the guy asks your name and you tell him: 'youcancallmesir'. Genius.

Posted by: ken | 11:27pm  24 January 2007

That is without doubt my favourite part of the whole show!

Posted by: sir | 6:44pm  25 January 2007

i doff my cap to you sir - a great effort and a worthy victory! when's the trip?

what was D Bannatyne's problem with your proposal? that was missing from the you tube clips

he's a class a aeld coot anyhoo.

Posted by: peters, Al | 11:43am  31 January 2007