Concrete and Clay



Your humble Psychlepath nearly met his maker last week after taking his machine to a repair shop for the first time. After an initial inspection proved that the back tyre had been replaced, i took to the roads once again, invigorated by the newness of my wheels and a decision to support small shops.

Approaching Old St roundabout barely two minutes from the shop i started to overtake my seventh cycle in as many seconds when the back wheel of my bike literally fell off and i stumbled into the path of a truck on the roundabout. All the scooters, taxis and cycles i'd ever overtaken flashed before my eyes before i was able to move out of the way.

When eventually i managed to make it back to the repair shop with cycle on shoulder, the formerly amenable proprietor unbelievably gave me a long look of distrust and resentment as i stood once again in his shop, trying to stymie the expletives aching to fall out of my mouth. Perhaps he thought i enjoyed falling in front of trucks because of his spannering.

Moral - Don't take your cycle to Citibikes, Hackney Road if you wish to live longer than your next journey.

#21 November 2006


It must be the time of the year; last week, I locked my bike outside our local Police Station while I voluntarily handed myself in for a list of jewel heists made in the late 90s, only to return to a vandalised bike!
Some little fuck must have gone at it with a pair of bolt cutters (no doubt taller than he), and managed buckle my back wheel, get mud on the frame, and lock the handle bars, as well as making a very small tear on my racing seat.
I marched back inside to report this crime until it was brought to my attention that the Police themselves had in fact tried to move my illegally parked bike from their railings while I was squealing "Monte Carlo"...

Posted by: | 8:54pm  22 November 2006

Bring back cycling proficency at school with a revised maintenance module.

Posted by: | 9:14pm  22 November 2006

just get those fuckers off the bleeding pavement.

Posted by: ken | 4:04pm  26 November 2006