Concrete and Clay



Owz it goin?

The nights are drawing in now but the south westerly air flow is beneficial to germination of early varieties such as Broad beans, first peas and good root development in garlic and onions. The only visible problem is the blasted furry caterpillers which should have been deep frozen by now. November is set to be at least two degrees warmer than the 1961-1999 average just like October and September. If you remember back to last February and March however, it was very cold and bitter in the south so I'd better not speak too soon.

The cider apple crop was of course bumper but I fear that the high sugar levels will only be spoiled by those cider makers who insist on purveying the rough taste of scrumpy. Sheppy's remain one of the best for varietal cider where the sweetness of the apple comes to the fore in the same way that the best Breton cider is France's best ambassador. I know this comment may ruffle some feathers and Vallee d'Auge cider along with Bayeux rank among the best, but they are a touch too dry for me so the Breton ones are my chosen brews.

Luscombe cider is okay but they should stick to producing the fine apple juice they are good at! Boycott Strongbow too as once I drank fourteen cans at a party and failed to impress the sheep.

The puff ball in the picture apparently fried up a treat with some olive oil and garlic!

Pantomime season is upon us soon so I shall be sneaking out at the interval for some mead and brandy-makes you randy!

It just remains to be said- "geroff my lan"

Herbie 2

#26 November 2006


and learn how to resize your pictures Jimma!

Posted by: sir | 7:51pm  26 November 2006

I'm an artist darling, I leave the techy stuff to the lads in the white coats.

Posted by: | 7:59am  27 November 2006

hear, hear! eveyone knows the best cider comes from Normandy, not Brittany. I must say I'm a bit partial to the Irish Magners. A nice drink is Calvados and Cider on ice. Just make sure you've got nothing on for the rest of the day...

Posted by: ken | 10:52am  27 November 2006

can you lick the puff ball?

Posted by: | 2:49pm  30 November 2006

Can you smoke it?

Posted by: | 6:47pm  30 November 2006