Concrete and Clay



As the colder nights set in and the crickets cease cheeping in the hedgerows, this classic rustic faux cassoulet will be the perfect bride for a warm spicey syrah brimming with autumn fruit.

Method for four

  • Chop 6 shallots/onions/ half bulb of garlic. Fry onion to soften and brown. Then add garlic.
  • Chop two carrots into small pieces. Gently soften in a separate pan and once slightly brown, add a splash of balsamic vinegar to caramelise.
  • Add two generous glasses of red wine to onions. Cook off the excess alcohol. Add half pint of veg stock to mixture. Put the whole mixture into large pan with 600g at least of flageolet or similar beans. Simmer and add some sage and chopped parsley.
  • Grill sausages for four.
  • Add to bean mix once it has simmered for half an hour.
  • Put in oven for a further twenty minutes either in cast iron pot or deep baking tray.
  • Stir mixture again and top with bread crumbs. Bake ten minutes and serve.

Cabernet/Syrah/Grenache go well with this.

Enjoy! Herbie

#08 October 2006


Oh for a Rasteau popping with plums!

I thought UK style cassoulet was sausages and baked beans.

Nice touch though. We could review the whole of French Cuisine UK style, Timothy Spall, Duck in Lager style.

Nice to see now that Jimma's in the sticks everything is "rustic". Lightly toasted Rustic Granary bread with Country Butter and Sticky Orchard Marmelade on hand-painted tweezle farm plates. Leaf tea with Dairy Milk and Freshly-spooned sugar. Marvellous.

I guess that leaves us with the Urban dishes. Boil in the bag Mars Bars and microwave chips and gravy.

Posted by: Jonners | 10:00am  20 October 2006