Concrete and Clay



As I drove home, my friend sitting in the passenger seat, flicking through the local rag, I was mildly disappointed when she came up with a blank. However on deeper investigation (ie she opened her eyes properly!), there it was, slap bang in the middle pages: "Teacher attacks council over withdrawal (of support for Black History Month)". I had made it into the Fulham Chronicle. And to my even greater delight was labelled as "History teacher and race campaigner", a soubriquet that I shall certainly be taking up. The article describes how I "slammed" the (new Conservative) councils decision to withdraw support for Black History Month and how "disappointed" I was with this.This was alongside a comment that the decision to withdraw funding from schools to celebrate BHM was "appalling", and pictured next to a delightful picture of myself (looking rather less than appalled and rather too pleased with myself, if I am being honest). But all in all, a good day's work for the 'race campaigner'. Let's just hope they don't sack me.

#19 October 2006 | Comments (5)