Concrete and Clay



Mine's a delicious leek in cheese sauce, followed by lashings of golden syrup.

#28 February 2006 | Comments (0)


Farewell to Murder Mile. I had my dose. I hope my landlord gives me my deposit back. Fuck. I gave him cash and now he's gonna give me a cheque. Rudy's gonna grow up strong. Bye to Nancy & Donald, my neighbours.

#25 February 2006 | Comments (8)


This Friday 24th February, with another guest of exceptional talent: Tobi Neumann. The Cocoon regular will be playing at The Key for the first time. Tobi's sets are very deep, druggy and always have the funk, essentials for AOMF! He also has a habit of introducing undiscovered gems as his most recent mix CD "Past Your Bedtime" testifies. Residents Giles Smith and James Priestley will of course be on hand. Another unmisable AOMF.

#24 February 2006 | Comments (0)


It has been a long week and I ache, I have been working like a pig dog for swines and I have nothing planned for the next couple of hours. I feel satisfied because I have accomplished something, but tired cause I have done nothing. But work is the reaseon I wake up at 6.30 each morning. Dukes I tell you, Dukes.

#24 February 2006 | Comments (2)


Velvet Underwear play live to showcase their new CD release "Watch my Body". A top track by a cool outfit. With electro noise from Stel-R, Kim (33RPM), D-Tronic and more. Free entrance, Cafe Anam, 5/7 Rue des Augustins 1000 Brussels.

#22 February 2006 | Comments (0)


People want whiter teeth for free. Some long to make a six figure income or find help for valentine's day, although their response is often requested to find a legitimate home job. Fast food critics who are wanted can eat for no charge and eliminate all debt now whilst viewing photos of local singles. I see your true colours. All that is left is to claim my free plane tickets, a one year supply of proactive y prendete una pausa.

#17 February 2006 | Comments (0)


0030 A black cab discarded roadside beside a sailors' retirement home, doors open like a stranded beetle on the kerb. Two men in chinos stagger along the road, arms outstretched, braying loudly like shamen. I try to cross the road. They kick me to the pavement, smashing my teeth against the concrete, again and again. Where's the police when you need them? I'm dead. They didn't see me. Thankyou, thankyou.

0045 A red estate car static half inside a huge hole in the road. Roadwork hazard signs run through, flattened cards. An empty, silent street exactly where Jack ripped his final victim. A streetlight flickers. Young kids carry pavement slabs up to the car and lay them on the bonnet ceremoniously like an offering. I will stop them. I will take a photograph of this driverless car being buried by youths and put it on the internet for the world to see. They have seen me. There are many of them. I walk, phone held. Faster, faster.

#15 February 2006 | Comments (0)


I love my job. I love the holidays. I love the idea of sleeping at the moment. I love Dan Flavin. I love the fact that I can spend all day doing whatever I want to do. I am going to write a new website. I am going to read the newspaper from cover to cover and do the crossword every day. I am going to listen to my new Sony MDR-XD400 Headphones with the music turned up very loud. I am going to have lunch with my sister and my mother. I am a lucky boy.

#10 February 2006 | Comments (11)


1 part carrot juice, 1 part condensed milk, 2 parts Red Stripe.

Mix the carrot juice and milk together in a cup with a spoon or finger. Add beer and serve over ice. NIce.

#10 February 2006 | Comments (1)


So it would seem that its OK for some European newspapers to publish cartoons of Islam's Holy Prophet in, what they call, an exercise of free speech. 

I wonder what would happen if they published cartoons about, say,the Holocaust, in the same, denigrating way?  Would Jews be OK with that?

Its also quite confusing to note that the same Western countries that are condemning the cartoons, are also the biggest advocates of freedom of expression and coincidentally, the same countries slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Muslims.

I haven't seen the cartoons.  The papers here seem more interested in investigating latent and blatant homosexuality among politicians and footballers.

#09 February 2006 | Comments (6)