Concrete and Clay



George Galloway wanted to make young people think more about politics; I am young and I now think about politics more than I ever have before. I am glad I moved from "Bethers" and he is no longer my MP. It is strange that aggressive people always seem to reach positions of authority.

#27 January 2006


No doubt you are thanking your lucky stars that you have moved from Gorgeous George's manor to be closer to Ken's murder mile! On a more serious note, I am not sure if I agree with your analysis about aggressive people always seeming to be in positions of power. If I think about my workplace and my own managerial / leadership style I could find many people in key positions that have an inclusive / laid back style. I was talking with the trainee teacher that finished his placement in my dept today and he described my style as very relaxed (surprise, surprise). He also said that my classroom was sometimes chaotic (which is certainly is, although I would call it 'organised chaos') but at the same time very effective in terms of the learning going on. My philosophy of education is very similar to my Head, which is probably why we get on so well, although his style is not as chaotic!

Posted by: sir | 5:10pm  27 January 2006

Chaos is a natural equilibrium. Order, never absolute, is an unneccessary human need . I get along with my Head too.

(I bet i mispelt unneccessary).

Posted by: Steve Hawking | 12:06pm  28 January 2006

Aggressive people always seem to reach positions of authority doesn't equal
All people in authority are aggresive (thankfuly).

Posted by: Nimby | 3:33pm  28 January 2006

I've been described as aggressive. I am powerless faced with such descriptions. I'll notify the proper authorities.

Posted by: ken | 3:16pm  30 January 2006