Concrete and Clay



Joyeux nouvel an a tous les lecteurs, musicos, tete hocheurs et auteurs.

This idea appeared in Charlie Hebdo (the French version of Private Eye, only ten times stronger):

In order to appease the restless youths who burned a record 45,000 cars in France last year (28,000 in 2002), Charlie decided to put a stencil of a red Benz a la NTM in the paper for the bad boys to cut out, assemble (which detachable badge) and proceed to flambee!

I really recommend trying this at home, if you are over 21, and then watch as the riot police turn up.

For your info, it has been said that certain newsagents report Charlie Hebdo readers to the "RG" (the secret information service), as they are potential mavericks and dangers to society. Their cartoonists draw graphic cartoons and do a great caricature of Nicolas Sarkozy (or Sarkoko to his mates). One of the best is Wolenski.

Charlie satirises all political life and is worth buying when in France. Check it online cos they don't distribute it any more.

Build a Benz and burn it - Ma 6T va K cra.


#18 January 2006


Charlie is one cool guy. You have to love a guy who will take on Facist Islamic groups who would like to crush free speach. Charlie is more brave than an American soldier waiting to be hit by a roadside bomb.
Charlie might be just crazy enough to be right on the Muslim cartoons. It is about time we start having real dialogue on the issue. We have million of Muslim extremists learning to take away free speach. Charlie is tough enough to call something what it is.
The world needs dialogue, exchange and humor. If the humor helps us realize something then good. If the cartoons are the start of a revolution in thinking then they worked.
Rock on Charlie! Never stop. Be yourself. Be appropriate..but be willing to try stuff!
Steve Napoleon

Posted by: Steve Napoleon | 10:51pm   8 February 2006