Concrete and Clay



It was great to finally put a face to the different authors involved here. Oh, and I really enjoyed Grand Central Station at 4.00AM.

#10 December 2005


From virtual to reality back to virtual reality in one night is an impressive state of mind. Bring on the 1st birthday party!

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 1:15pm  11 December 2005

If you need to change the title of my post to make it more accurate, its ok. But I would never write XMas as I am Roman Catholic. I would never deny my saviour. Christmas is the day Christ was born. "Xmas" is for unfaithful profiteers.

Posted by: ken | 10:23am  13 December 2005

Point taken!

Post title will be changed to prioritise religous sensitivites over shorter line length!

Posted by: Ed. | 1:40pm  13 December 2005

However, as a historian I would like to point out that Xmas is perfectly acceptable as it originates from the Greek X which stands for Christ. As someone who now knows 'the Master', I would take that posting with a rather heavy dose of irony. Or Ken do you still want to discuss 'immaculate conception' in a rational state of mind?

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 5:54pm  13 December 2005

Uhhh... Yeah. Uh-huh. That's it exactly. Merry Christmas. In America, they change it so as to not offend other faiths, thats just too politically correct for me.

Posted by: ken | 10:16am  14 December 2005

There's that darned X again. Recognise and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Repent and He shall be merciful.

Posted by: ken | 11:06am  17 December 2005

Happy Winterville.

Posted by: | 12:16pm  17 December 2005

"Recognise and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Repent and He shall be merciful."

Prove it.

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 3:01pm  18 December 2005

A merry mid-winter pagan festival to one and all. let's hope the sun comes back again next year!

Posted by: Ed. | 6:56pm  18 December 2005


That's where faith comes in. I don't need proof. Just my faith in Him.

Posted by: ken | 10:19am  19 December 2005

I'm sorry Ken but faith is bollox. Where is your rational thought here? how can a highly intelligent psychology grad come up with that lame argument - you'll be telling me that Santa exists next!

I would like to quote one of my heroes, Richard Dawkins:

Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 2:57pm  19 December 2005

True faith is an existential choice.

Faced with the unknowable mystery of the universe, we can choose to believe, or not to believe. There will never be a proof to validate either choice, we must choose in absolute darkness. This is Kierkergard's "leap of faith".

Religious people in the modern world don't usually take this terrifying leap into the unknowable world of faith; modern religion and religious practises are more about cultural identity, family, tradition and politics IMO.

Intelligent Design advocates (like those in Dawkin's UK TV show last night) make the fatal mistake of thinking that their faith brings certainty. In fact, it is absolute uncertainty that is the bedrock of truth faith.

It's also a song by New Order, of course.

Posted by: serge | 3:27pm  19 December 2005

"Religious people in the modern world don't usually take this terrifying leap into the unknowable world of faith;"

Granted, although the Master seems to.

"modern religion and religious practises are more about cultural identity, family, tradition and politics"

You hit the nail on the head with the idea of tradition. I guess as someone who defines themselves on the left I find it hard to accept the conservatism of religion. Equally as someone who has rejected the religious upbringing that I had, I am less inclined to accept the part of the family that is associated with religion. If someone asked me about my belief, i would vociferously argue that I am an atheist (of Jewish birth) and I strongly tow the marxist line about religion being the 'opium of the masses'.

I prefer Love Vigilantes myself

Posted by: | 7:20pm  19 December 2005


Not everything is rational and logical Faith does not neccessarily bring certainty but you have to explore it on a level where its not about you or your Bertrand Russelesque nneed for control of your environment. Faith is bollox because to YOU only because can't allow yourself to try and believe.. People have faith in many things, not just neccessarily religious stuff.

BTW, apologies for the typos, I'm writing on a broken kescreeenn

Posted by: ken | 3:09pm  22 December 2005

"the longing for jesus"

Posted by: | 12:52pm  23 December 2005

There ain't nothing wrong with control freakery, that's how things get done! When I was a young man I tried to believe, cos that was what I was socialised to do, but you know, in the end I couldn't be bothered any longer. What's the point of trying to believe in anycase? I can try to believe that Arsenal will win the Premiership this season but it's not going to happen. Still there's always 'wishful thinking' which is what you can have if you want. And you haven't said which New Order track you prefer.

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 2:28pm  23 December 2005

Well, its a healthy debate anway. I love you cause you are my brother. Everyone is. So I'm not too worried about your infidel cries for spiritual help.

Cause its called Love. And it belongs to everyy one of us.s.

Posted by: ken | 3:23pm  23 December 2005

I'll accept the love, and ignore the infidel bit. Peace. Have a good one, whatever you're doing x

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 7:10pm  23 December 2005

I'll be celebrating the birth of baby Jesuss

Posted by: ken | 11:25pm  23 December 2005

Happy Winterval to all.

Posted by: serge | 3:50pm  24 December 2005