Concrete and Clay



For the less musical and ICT talented amongst us I have found a really easy way to create a podcast: I am going to use this with my boys tomorrow to produce a podcast about the Black Death in the Middle Ages (phew, hold me back the excitement is killing me). If you want to die laughing you can always check out my attempt here (scroll down to black death podcast). Anyone that can name the track I am MCing over will get a free copy of the podcast for posterity. Now don't all rush at once.

#27 November 2005


And now I have added the quality podcasts that my young charges produced - check out Ricky and Martin's in the style of Robbie and Kylie, the dulcet tones of Yussif and Lewis bravely MCing over some banging drum n' bass

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 10:14pm  28 November 2005

Can't remember who produced the track but its called Eskimo.

Posted by: MTD | 6:35pm  29 November 2005

You've nailed it MTD, recorded by Wylie - podcast on its way you lucky bunny

Posted by: | 6:51pm  29 November 2005