Concrete and Clay



I've been doing some research for a programme for Teachers TV that I am filming on Wednesday. The programme will be on a lesson I'm teaching about Queen Elizabeth I's attempts to repatriate the Black community living in England at the time (late 16th century).

Let's see if you can work out the answers to these questions:

  1. What do the terms "Egyptian", "Ethiopian", "Neyger", "Neger", "Blackmoore" and "Mullato" have in common?
  2. Who was John Blanke and what has he got to do with Henry VIII?
  3. What were the Africans living in England going to be exchanged for in order for the Africans to be deported?

    a. prisoners
    b. peanuts
    c. pots and pans

Answers on a postcard to ...

#07 November 2005


Yes sir. Do you refer to Moors and Black people or is Blackmoore a sir name given to people who had settled in the UK?


Posted by: | 7:59am   9 November 2005

'Blackmoor' or 'Blackamoor' or 'Blackmoore' was one of the terms used in Elizabethan England refering to people of African origin. There is certainly a connection to the Moors of Northern Africa who conquered southern Spain.

Posted by: youcancallmesir | 6:29pm   9 November 2005