Concrete and Clay



Please read this. Please open the door to all souls. Remove your shoes before entering a room and above all buy me a pint please.

Todays polemic will need to become tomorrow's pandemic. Tomorrow's generic phoney urban psudo etiquette will be replaced by what Belloc described as the "grace of god".

Please observe fellow citizens and feel free to comment on their behaviour, be it on this site or even to their face.

I was recently on a bus in Hammersmith and was nearly assaulted after asking a group of girls to politely "shut it" after they were terrorising the passengers. And they say you have to go out of your way to respect them first. Well respect my ass! An eye for an eye!

Herbie de Provence

#14 October 2005


Jimbo, ol' son. you're a booze hound and a thug. Sorry, wrong jimbo.

Hammersmith girls, queensland cops, are they really worth the exhalation. Will they remember you after they're done kicking 6 shades of shit out of your good self.

Somethimes ya gotta remember to reel in the inner school-master

Posted by: burnt_toast | 9:51pm  14 October 2005


Ce mot est issu du latin femina "Femme, femme" rattach� � la m�me racine indo-europ�enne dhei - "t�ter" que fellare, "sucer, t�ter" - fellation, felix "heureux" - f�liciter/f�lix, fecundus, filius, foetus et puis plus r�cemment meuf

Le po�te �tant le nourrisson des muses

Posted by: tisane | 9:40am  18 October 2005

Agh, fuck - Internet Explorer and French accents are just not compatible on my shite system

Sorry for the mess!

Posted by: tisane | 1:58pm  18 October 2005

für seine Grafschaft Foix dem König zu huldigen, lehnte er dies für Béarn ab.

Posted by: fellation | 8:14am  12 November 2005