Concrete and Clay




I don't really like Starbucks cause that shit is stronger than crack. I don't really like Mc Donald's because it does taste good but makes me feel like shit 1/2 hour later. I do like America though cause it's the only place you can go as a foreigner and really feel proud to be so.

They don't see it though.

That's why I love them, so.

#14 July 2005


My mate lives in Boulder, Colarado. He says they don't show foreign films at the cinema, not even english, those ignorant fools! Actually, they don't show foreign language films at my local cinema either, ignorant, ignorant fools!

Posted by: mcpalmer | 10:34am  14 July 2005

Hollywood is in crisis at the moment because "bullshit" summer movies (independance day, armageddon, war of the worlds, blah blah) are not getting people into the cinemas cause no one really wants to watch that shit. ">More...

"european" style movies are being made independantly with B movie actors and are actually cashing in because of the strength of the stories, not the CGI.

If you haven't seen "Sideways" I highly recommend it. Its very real, with comedy and drama. And there is a lot of wine drinking which is always good.

Posted by: Ken Masters | 12:12am  15 July 2005

sideways SUUUUCKED

Posted by: | 9:19pm  18 July 2005


I thought it was pretty good.

hmmm... maybe I've been in America too long...

nah, I still liked that movie.

Posted by: Ken Masters | 1:45pm  21 July 2005