Concrete and Clay



Quarter to five, Friday afternoon, and London's hot and ready for another three-day weekend. Yes, Monday's a Bank (Public) Holiday once again, and this time we'll all be remembering that important date in the Christian calendar, Whitsun. Hmm...

Anyway, here's a little something to stick in your MP3 player and get your weekend rolling regardless - an exclusive mix from Concrete & Clay's favourite beat juggler, New York's DJ Drinks.

DJ Drinks Mix Tape
Download | Stream

Enjoy. Standard.

#27 May 2005


had a bangin' bank holiday weekender but feeling a bit serotonin-lite, any good recommendations for a chemical free pick me up?

Posted by: biblebob | 1:53pm  31 May 2005

Ginkgo Biloba increases blood flow to the brain, and should help speed up your post-weekender recovery.

Posted by: dr serge | 4:23pm  31 May 2005

and where, pray tell, can you get that from? I haven't noticed it in my local sainsbury's

Posted by: biblebob | 6:05pm  31 May 2005

Try the local chinaman.

They also do ground up rhinoceros penis which is good for seeing in the dark.

Posted by: Ken Kong | 6:13pm  31 May 2005