Concrete and Clay



I interviewed the Mayor of Hammersmith and Fulham today, in front of 250 (usually impatient and twitchy) boys who sat listening quietly to his war tales. I learnt two things that I never knew before; when a kamikaze pilot hit the decks of a Royal Navy aircraft carrier it made a little dent. When one hit an American aircraft carrier it went straight through the deck and sunk the ship. Why? one was made of wood, one was made of 3" of steel. It might have been useful to share that knowledge. Secondly, when a sailor had died they wrapped him up in canvas and place a large shell between his legs before stitching it up and tipping the body over board. Its amazing what you find out by talking to people. If you want to read the interview in detail then it is all here.

#10 May 2005 | Comments (2)